networked people think. The human brain is also lazy. The simpler new impressions with already existing information can be linked, the better. This is also called "compartmentalized".
not only intolerant people are starting to put others in drawers, but all people organize information in this way. This is no excuse for racism, sexism and homophobia, but a neuro-psychological knowledge. Brands have to pay close attention to which drawer is assigned to them - you can not speak of the "frame" of a brand.
is changed the frame to mark the change drawer in which the mark is inserted. In the book "What makes brands successful" describe the two German authors, for example, that people are willing € 6 for a bottle of water paid, if this in the frame "table jewelry" is. Would it be just mineral water, which is drunk for refreshment, just 2 € would be justified.
same is also in social movements and non-profit organizations. There can be frames as "begging", "empowerment" or "warning index finger" is selected. This choice leads to the contemplative zu einer Differenzierung und wenn die Unterscheidung stark genug ist auch zu einer komplett anderen Wahrnehmung - die Marke wird in eine andere Schublade gesteckt.
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