Friday, July 3, 2009

Blunt Wrapsside Effects

The new agency is a search engine?

Ca. 80% aller Homepage-Besuche kommen von einer Suchmaschine. Und was bedeutet das? Sind Suchmaschinen wie Google die neue Generation an Werbeagenturen?

Laut AdAge verstehen langsam auch Werbeagenturen die Wichtigkeit von Search Engine Optimisation. Gehen die Werbenden also langsam über zu "pull" Strategien anstatt "Konsument/innen" mit Eindrücken zu bombardieren?

I think not. While some worry Werbefuzzis head slowly as to how the future might look like the Agency, the rest is happily continue with television advertising, selling advertising spaces and places the ninetieth radio commercials at all. Also available online so many still believe that a banner advertising their involvement does bring something positive - I say only install adblock and server is once again enjoyable.

The Lord looks almost sad as he explained that advertising agencies do not like it used to be the only, communicate for business. Honestly - if you need a blog, then read it yourself Twitternde advertising agencies are exposed and blocked - on the internet is just as bad faith in the "real" world out of place, with the difference that it blows up even faster.

I see the future of the old school advertising industry go down the drain and I am happy. After modern advertising approaches is working well anyway no more room for the "consume!" Club and sooner or later end in the next bankruptcy. So make crises fun!


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