Sunday, April 5, 2009

Streaming Family Guy For Iphone

Bild-Shopping: Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte

online advertising with pictures. Every day we are inundated
of advertising messages. Sometimes we even wake up to advertising. Whether radio advertising, TV commercials or outdoor advertising. We should and will always be enabled by the advertiser, to ultimately purchase a product or a service. On the Internet, activation is different than in traditional media. The Internet offers many new interactions and ways to attract and retain customers than to use even for branding.

A very nice "promotional funds" are interactive images. A picture says a thousand words on the web. The service uses the activation of Pixazza images and integrates with Java-script interaction. With the mouse you can say "literally" explore the advertising. If one looks at a picture display eine tolle Sonnenbrille, fährt man über die Sonnenbrille des Models und sieht sofort Preis und Anbieter. Das schöne an diesem Dienst ist, dass er leicht und ohne Programmierkenntnisse zu nutzen ist. Zudem ist er nicht störend oder für den Kunden aufdringlich.


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