Thursday, April 16, 2009

Black Damask Cardstock Paper

Grandiose television advertising glory days?

Werbespots sind immer schon beliebt gewesen, zumindest bei Werbeagenturen. Warum? Ganz einfach, sie kosten viel Geld in der Produktion und noch mehr Geld beim Placement und da wird natürlich fleißig mitkassiert. Eine kürzlich veröffentlichte Studie zeigt, dass die meisten (in den USA wohnhaften) Menschen 99% aller Filme nach wie vor am Fernseher ansehen. In diversen Blogs hat das natürlich gleich aufsehen erregt und Schlagzeilen wie "TV is not dead yet" preisten das Fernsehen als ideales Medium für Werbung an.

Was machst you when a pleasant-irritating voice comes out of the TV and "advertising" says? Go into the kitchen and grab a bite? Or maybe switch? Apparently there are also people who watch commercials actually. But what they think about it? Would not they prefer to see the movie, they just wanted to see?

With online video, the television has really only the moving image together. Who can publish a video on YouTube expect that all people look at the video voluntarily. The placement is of course free and if people find it great, they run ads for it (embed, link, tweet, blog, etc.). The financial aspect left aside has an online spot to really get the advantage with people in the dialogue. This will most likely result is not easy. For non-profit campaigns, the most important opportunity is to communicate directly with people, provide them with information and win new fans with a bit of luck for themselves.



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