Thursday, November 26, 2009

Easton Model #spp19 Softball Bat

A few good Web video

has since probably anybody seen too many Splatter Movies . But the shock has just come Effeckt

;-) And here's a new Greenpeace video. Incredible that so regularly produces good organization eien videos. Respect!

And at last - after all, are all good things come in threes - in a video by PETA, which for once is not sexist. Even the traditional image of the family comes over irony.


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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How To Factory Reset Acn Phone

Everything revolves around the weather ...

... and the title probably no one would expect a story behind it. In any case, even the work of an advertising agency is often dependent on the weather. Hard to believe it?

In the course of a project for "Eco-counseling" we have a few Ideas occur to allow for photos. After 2 days of development, the ideas were then accepted with joy, everything was normal. For the photo was planned leaves, chestnut, grass, Bockerl and branches to collect.

After the first few steps out of the office, we were suddenly hit on the head - it had rained. Since 3 days. The photo shoot was of course immediately moved and designed our entire (small) office with newspaper. Then we have finally launched it all possible, wet, cool finds to dry and now we hope that all bit tonight photo is ready ;-)


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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Best Thermal For Laptop Cpu

Student protests without advertising?

new media have been almost ignored in Austria to date. "What is the Internet moving in a tiny country with 8 million inhabitants". Yesterday I got
to campaigns and Internet experience something interesting. After about 20 minutes I'm broken too late for the demonstration for free education, I have the university do not even see. The road was blocked by some 15,000 Demonstrate / inside. For non-Austrian relations may sound quite normal. 15:00 People are in a city like Vienna, but rather a rarity.

A few days before Facebook was just jammed with coverage of the occupation of the Audi-Max (the largest lecture hall). Then yesterday, some people sent SMS and their circle of friends invited to the demo. overstimulated Actually, I was only at noon today after the Twitter stream on # unibrennt just about expired.

The whole thing has a bit about the theory of "wisdom of the crowd," recalls for such good work online and for the current student protests in Austria I have not yet see. In addition to various private persons, on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, e-mails and noise Soup did live streams were used everywhere and there are enough available online Press provide a few weeks the newspapers. So often dreamed of "crowdsourcing" of communications and these same protests, it is practice.

All I do when I am motivated to participate, is to go online. All I need for a cover story can be found in 10 minutes. As soon as something new cast will know it enough to distribute it online to offline again.

Or does this movement about Plaktwerbung and a TV spot? Or maybe flyer for a demo? I prefer reading online in real time. And do I sign anyway - digital here die Petition

Hier noch ein paar andere Blogs und Berichterstattungen:
Klassische Demo vs. Diese
Mit allen Registern des Netzes


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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How To Obtain Vaccine Records From Ontario

brand protection - whether living or dead

Ich bin gerade auf diese wunderschöne Zeichnung von impact suppe gestoßen und das musste gleich auf den Blog.

Nett, freundlich, naturverbunden und sollte es um Markenschutz gehn gibt's trotzdem keine Gnade. How authentic is a group that is as "nice" presents and then threatened with legal club?


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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Kidde Smoke Alarm Infrequent Bleeping

blog action day

Today is Blog Action Day and we have designed a small poster extra.

no way out?

But somehow works of abuse in English only. Too bad.
Whereupon we arrived last night a little idea we have implemented smoothly - so here is our German contribution ;-)

regional kaufen


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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Milena Velba Snata

Real live Shopping

With the new Microsoft Xbox 360 very soon bring an entirely new entertainment offering on the market. You can already find out about the Project Natal.

also a foretaste of the new "Real Live shopping" one can learn there. A cam of the monitor scans the body, a willing sellers, and the virtual customer figure wird angekleidet. Der Kunde sieht sich somit selbst mit dem neuen Outfit. So wird Online-Shopping noch besser!

Mehr über das Project Natal und mehr über die Zukunft finden Sie hier...
Diese Website benötigt Silverlight, aber es lohnt sich!

Bearded Dragon Belly Lines

Bundestagswahl 2009: Bild und Twitter macht ihre Startseite zur Bundestagswahl "mit Twitter"?! Ganz prominent werden die Nachrichten der "Twitterer" aus dem Kurznachrichtendiensts Twitter angeboten.

Im Sekundentakt fließen die Nachrichten und Kommentare. Hier zeigt sich einmal mehr wie stark die Nutzung von Twitter und auch die Beachtung der Medien ist.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Best Places To Cruise Gay Men

the digital revolution

Für alle die das Wort "digital" noch hören können ;-)
Hier ein super Video über die Auswirkungen des digitalen Zeitalters.


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Sunday, September 20, 2009

How To Pay A Knife Summons In Nyc


On 23 -24. September, we take the dmexco to Cologne. The new leading online marketing promises in advance to get first-hand and much new on the subject of online marketing. A's highlight will be mobile. We look forward to the visit ...

Monday, September 14, 2009

How Many Calories Does Ground Chuck Have

Our approach ... Where

Endlich hab ich mal Prezi can use for anything! Here the more onion approach to advertising:


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Monday, August 31, 2009

Toronto Mobile Office Conversion

FTD - Financial Times Deutschland relauncht Internetseite

The website of the Financial Times Germany has a new face. The web design is fresh and the service more clearly. also brings a new concept of information online.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Best Rollerblades For Pavement

thus moves the advertising?

No one can know. But now it is time to be nice to experiment, listen and just make things interesting.


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Friday, August 7, 2009

What Are The Controls For Pokemon 2 On Mac

Social Networks for Social Movement

Soziale Netzwerke - egal ob online oder offline - sind die Basis jeder Bewegung. Dass sich in letzer Zeit speziell online Netzwerke als gutes Mittel zum Widerstand gegen Konzerne und Regierungen erwiesen haben, hat mittlerweile sogar so manche Regierung verstanden. Die groß angelegte Hack-Attacke galt laut cnet dem georgischen Blogger "Cyxymu".

Claudia Sommer's journal about the hack attack on social networks has motivated me again to a small German blog. I see the hack-attack that is positive - if governments and companies now resort to such means, the means but only that we do a good job. We are uncomfortable enough.

Especially online networks are uncomfortable because they are fast. Social resistance can form within minutes while the police state not even evaluated yet has everything. Not only in Iran but around the world online services can play an important role in the protest. For the future, have again learned something. On the one hand, rely on many networks - not only one (otherwise it will need only a small loss and we can no longer connect us). On the other hand, we should use more decentralized, and independent networks.

, "What did all this with advertising to do?
Well, good advertising is based on nunmal networks. Word of mouth is the best advertising. But when word of mouth can not be triggered or there's no way in contact, because randomly attacked all the major online networks are, then good night. And another protest has died.


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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Brent Corrigan Pizzas

Sixt-Werbung: Ulla Schmidt Dienstwagen

With the official car for a holiday? There Sixt but also in Alicante, promotes Germany's largest car rental company. Not only the internet, but parallel via advertisements in almost all the German newspapers were found this week, the guerrilla marketing campaign by Sixt.

Sixt is always good for a surprise. Even Chancellor Angela Merkel was the victim of a successful marketing campaign class.

The Sixt advertising campaign with Ulla Schmidt
© 2009 Financial Times Germany, © Sixt

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

No Registration For Boat In Ontario

cozies with the Generation upload? "

Vodafone Deutschland hat uns in den vergangenen Tagen wieder einmal einen Grund gegeben zu bloggen. Zwar nicht über den tollen Konzern Vodafone, sondern einfach nur über eine weitere Kampagne die im Internet entweder belächelt, ignoriert oder sogar verabscheut wird.

Am tollsten find ich, dass dieser Werbespot sogar im Fernsehen gezeigt wird. Ein klassischer Fall von einem (laut TAZ ) angeblich 2-stelligen Millionen-Budget, das im besten Fall neutral bewertet wird - tendentiell aber sogar negativ. Zahlt sich aus.

Die kurz zuvor von dem Konzern live gestreamte Pressekonferenz wird auch von vorne bis hinten kritisiert (zum beispiel hier ).


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Friday, July 3, 2009

Blunt Wrapsside Effects

The new agency is a search engine?

Ca. 80% aller Homepage-Besuche kommen von einer Suchmaschine. Und was bedeutet das? Sind Suchmaschinen wie Google die neue Generation an Werbeagenturen?

Laut AdAge verstehen langsam auch Werbeagenturen die Wichtigkeit von Search Engine Optimisation. Gehen die Werbenden also langsam über zu "pull" Strategien anstatt "Konsument/innen" mit Eindrücken zu bombardieren?

I think not. While some worry Werbefuzzis head slowly as to how the future might look like the Agency, the rest is happily continue with television advertising, selling advertising spaces and places the ninetieth radio commercials at all. Also available online so many still believe that a banner advertising their involvement does bring something positive - I say only install adblock and server is once again enjoyable.

The Lord looks almost sad as he explained that advertising agencies do not like it used to be the only, communicate for business. Honestly - if you need a blog, then read it yourself Twitternde advertising agencies are exposed and blocked - on the internet is just as bad faith in the "real" world out of place, with the difference that it blows up even faster.

I see the future of the old school advertising industry go down the drain and I am happy. After modern advertising approaches is working well anyway no more room for the "consume!" Club and sooner or later end in the next bankruptcy. So make crises fun!


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