Friday, August 7, 2009

What Are The Controls For Pokemon 2 On Mac

Social Networks for Social Movement

Soziale Netzwerke - egal ob online oder offline - sind die Basis jeder Bewegung. Dass sich in letzer Zeit speziell online Netzwerke als gutes Mittel zum Widerstand gegen Konzerne und Regierungen erwiesen haben, hat mittlerweile sogar so manche Regierung verstanden. Die groß angelegte Hack-Attacke galt laut cnet dem georgischen Blogger "Cyxymu".

Claudia Sommer's journal about the hack attack on social networks has motivated me again to a small German blog. I see the hack-attack that is positive - if governments and companies now resort to such means, the means but only that we do a good job. We are uncomfortable enough.

Especially online networks are uncomfortable because they are fast. Social resistance can form within minutes while the police state not even evaluated yet has everything. Not only in Iran but around the world online services can play an important role in the protest. For the future, have again learned something. On the one hand, rely on many networks - not only one (otherwise it will need only a small loss and we can no longer connect us). On the other hand, we should use more decentralized, and independent networks.

, "What did all this with advertising to do?
Well, good advertising is based on nunmal networks. Word of mouth is the best advertising. But when word of mouth can not be triggered or there's no way in contact, because randomly attacked all the major online networks are, then good night. And another protest has died.


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