Thursday, August 19, 2010

Gc Tooth Mousse Effective? Singapore


Letzte Woche waren wir mit unserem Emil unterwegs in Richtung Niederlande.
Es ging Montagmittag um 16h los - und Dienstagnacht um 24h waren wir zurück.

Auf diesem Campingplatz haben wir genächtigt.
Emil musste leider bei anderen Conspecifics sleep. (It should be no noise on the pitch - only stupid for the co-campers, for we have brought him to 7.30am the next morning to pack up again - the other guests have been really pleased with the TDE-ends')
went to pack up after it in the direction of Burgers Zoo in Arnhem, ...
... then on to Amsterdam to Zandvoort.
Unfortunately it then started raining scary. In Zandvoort, there was unfortunately no more free accommodation, so we have gefuttert tasty fried fish on the beach and then summarily were on their way back. was
Hünxer on the rest area tanked, gepieselt and drunk before then ultimately went home. Once
To 24h at home we had 1130 km cheer hump and the speedometer.

Our Emil went really well - without any issues with 7.3 liter average fuel consumption and the first 5,000 km encouraging motor are now done.


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