Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Difference Between Tennis String

first Help explain exactly

Super Sexy Super Sexy from CPR CPR on Vimeo .

Monday, October 18, 2010

Why Is Jamba Juice's Stock So Low?

open day at VW in Mainz

Yesterday we briefly with Emil at VW passed. There day was the open door. We also met Olli with husband and son have good entertaining. Was a nice short trip with not so great weather!

Gay Hangout At Disney

Rhine River tour on 10/10/2010

Since this Sunday (10/10/2010) the weather was great, was Emil ausgemottet. My father and I laid back about 160km that day.
We went uphill, downhill. Looked at by an old castle hostel in the beautiful Father Rhine.
loads of Lafer's Stromburg over and put a brief stop one at a lime plant.
All in all it was a wonderful day without a murmur and mewl of Emil. It felt right that he liked this tour in the beautiful weather.


Veterama 2010 combines in Mannheim

On 10.09.2010 we were once again in Mannheim on the Veterama. Unlike last year, at least we had good weather.
found what we have become. With us there was a fancy picnic basket and 2 stickers for Emil.