Sunday, December 7, 2008

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Top Searches 2008th Thus the world and Germany has sought in 2008.

What Germany is moving ... The top search terms in 2008
Weather replaces previous winners route planner as a top search term at Yahoo! search.

Barack Obama proposes Angela Merkel at the most wanted leaders, Andrea Ypsilanti dagegen George W. Bush . Bushido und Rihanna liegen vorn bei den Stars - Vorjahrssiegerin Paris Hilton fliegt ebenso aus den Top 10 wie George Clooney und Brad Pitt. Der Tod von Heath Ledger , die politischen Unruhen in Birma , Paul Potts oder die große TV-Kritik von Marcel Reich-Ranicki bewegten die Deutschen in 2008. Und die Yahoo! Top-Suchen ergründen weitere Vorlieben: Der Apfelkuchen verdrängt als Lieblingsrezept den Nudelsalat von Platz 1, das Reiseziel Türkei liegt vor China und Mallorca . Bayern München setzt sich an die Table top before Dortmund and HSV . Tchibo is Germany's most common typo 2008th

Sunday, November 30, 2008

My Dog Died What Do I Do

recession and tax burdens. Bad for eCommerce.

Bleak outlook for this year's holiday season. Many online retailers are recorded in sales.

The financial crisis has triggered the global recession and also bestows Internet retailers for Christmas sales less than expected. It's a vicious circle. Less revenue means less profit and possibly also the end for many Internet merchants.

to the offers and the low prices or even at the usability and security of most online shopping sites is it does not. A major reason the reluctance of all of us, the consumers. We worry about our jobs or even have to get over losses from equity investments. A vicious circle.

A solution would be to cut taxes. We should all invest more, and could net without a guilty conscience, at least part of the tax relief in Kosum. Reduce the tax burden is certainly not the same from now on. However, it showed the British and have reduced the VAT already. If one keeps in mind that all handlers real Siert to 40 percent of its annual turnover in Weihnachtsgschäft, is to hurry before the vicious circle and jobs in a single Handel costs. The magazine can

WiWo (Business Week) has an action "taxes down" and catchment providing each wants to support this action. By e-mail you can send it by clicking the following message to the Federal Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck.

Dear Mr. Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck!

you can not only prevent a great depression. We all already together. You have to just us (more of our earned money).

reason: taxes down. Now. "Lower taxes"

Best regards,

Here is the link to e-mail campaign ...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Why Is There Whit Stuff On My Clitoris

Christmas is coming. E-commerce is booming?

The Christmas season has begun. Many online retailers advertise with search engine marketing, banners, and promotions to attract customers. They offer in your online shop for Christmas gifts. Amazon expects the industry leader but this year with modest e-commerce transactions. Reason is the global financial crisis, which becomes apparent in online trading.
However, there are also companies that customers do not or only with difficulty, given the opportunity to shop.
We have had a few weeks time and again the site of the retailer Breuninger ( visits. For some time, an online store is available with "Coming Soon". The question is why the launch can be long in coming. Customer Unfriendly Turnover is supportive but not a pure "image" or a screenshot not working, showing the future shop. A link to the actual site with current offers would be better.